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Flexible conveying system for monocrystalline silicon processing line


In recent years, the scale and quality of the manufacturing and processing of monocrystalline silicon materials in our country have advanced by leaps and bounds, largely due to the investment and development of intelligent manufacturing technology. Aerospace Intelligent Manufacturing has deployed integrated solutions for intelligent equipment in the manufacturing, processing and testing of semiconductor materials earlier, and has successfully established a relatively complete automation line benchmark case for a semiconductor company.

Research on Aerospace Intelligent Manufacturing (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.Developed AGV robot, truss manipulator system, product-free inspection line, laser coding and CCDQuality traceability system for readings,用In the monocrystalline silicon production processSingle crystal furnace loading and unloading, cutting and unloading of silicon rods, square rooting and grinding down and other machining loading and unloading to electrical performance testing and shape size testing. It has full cooperative operation functions, high positioning accuracy, and good flexibility to adapt to non-standard workpieces. The advantages of strong robustness and high degree of digitization under standing water ground, dusty and corrosive environment, etc., in order to reduce the artificial dependence of the industry,Reduce labor and management costs, Improve production cycle and quality level to provide excellent productivity support.

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